

(Playground Planning Checklist to Help Create the Ultimate Play Experience)


  1. 步驟一:想像遊戲區面貌 (Envision your Play Area)
  • 遊戲區主要的使用者年齡層為何,他們()的能力為何?What ages and abilities will use this play area?
  • 每次約多少人同時使用?How many visitors will play at once?
  • 該遊戲區位址是否具任何歷史(或環境)特色?是否有特別的主題或色系?Are there unique historical characteristics, a color scheme or theme you’d like to incorporate?
  • 是否需要額外設施,例如遮陽、椅凳、或是垃圾桶?Do you need additional amenities such as shade, benches or waste receptacles?


2)步驟二:分析該位址 (Analyze your Site)


  • 位址的地形與土壤現況是否有良好排水?Will the slope and soil conditions of your site allow for proper drainage?
  • 是否有可以融入遊戲場設計的現有植栽?Is there existing vegetation that can be incorporated into your design?
  • 該區域是否有經常性的大風、大雨或是午後烈陽?Does your site receive high levels of wind or precipitation, or hot afternoon sun?
  • 該位址是否靠近其他現有設施,例如停車場、公廁、或是步道/腳踏車道?Can the playground be located near existing amenities such as parking, restrooms and walking/biking paths?


  1.  步驟三:設計遊戲區 (Design Your Playground Site)

完成前述兩項步驟後,你可以開始規劃詳細預算,並設計一個符合社區需求的遊戲場。美國的消費產產品安全委員會(Consumer Products Safety CommissionCPSC)建議針對6個月-23個月、2歲到5歲、學齡兒童設計不同的遊戲區域,你也可以考慮設計另外的遊戲區域給所有不同年齡層的小孩共同使用。建議包含下列元素:

  • 你希望遊戲區有著現代外觀,貼近大自然,還是彰顯某個特色主題?Do you want your playground to have a modern look, mimic the environment or carry out a theme?
  • 想要包括那些單獨可以使用的遊具?What freestanding play elements will you incorporate?
  • 要包含旋轉輪、盪鞦韆以及蹺蹺板嗎?Spinners, swings or seesaws?
  • 想要納入多少挑戰?挑戰度為何?How much challenge do you want to incorporate?
  • 你的設計要有哪些共融的元素?(坡道、轉換地帶?、感官遊戲、音樂等?)What inclusive elements—ramps, transfer points, sensory play, music—will your design have?
  • 你的設計是否考量到未來階段,以便未來進一步提升或進化?Are you designing for future phases so it’s easier to enhance your playground down the road?


  1. 步驟四:動工建造遊戲場(Install Your Playground)



  1. 步驟五:好好玩、好好維持 (Enjoy and Maintain Your Playground)




(資料來源:遊具設備廠商Landscape Structure )



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